
Boost Your Visibility

Been wrestling w/this email for a while....

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader,

It's true, I've been wrestling with this email for some time now. On one hand, I don't want to be a doom and gloomer. On the other hand, I can't bear the thought of sending a cute, fake-positive email, while ignoring reality.

I'm pulling the curtain back to reveal something that's more comfortable to ignore, and it's been weighing heavy on my heart.

Time to flip the script, so here we go...

As a small business owner of 19 years, turned marketing coach, I feel called to share knowledge with you now. Ensuring that you have all the tools possible in your toolbox, so you can be prepared, not scared, when things get bumpier. We're going into a more challenging economy, there's no denying it.

To give a quick background, in 2007-2008, the photography industry was in a free-fall. The recession and the digital revolution happened at the same time. While I watched other photography businesses and professional photo labs go down like dominoes, I had record sales. Why?

In 2020, the health crisis came, weddings and events were canceled, families stayed at home. I had record sales. Why?

Because I had built great relationships with my customers, and had a marketing plan already in motion. Most of all, I ASKED my customers questions, and LISTENED to what they really wanted. It made it exciting!

I went left, when everyone else went right. While all photographers in my area were holding tightly to the art and tradition of prints in '07, I was the first in Southern Wisconsin to offer digital files as a purchase option. I had more photography clients than I knew what to do with. A great problem in an uncertain time! It wasn't all happy dances, though...

It didn't take long before I received hate messages, and was called out publicly as a fraud on social media by a competitor, for going digital.

One photographer parked down the road from my studio for weeks to watch what I was doing, and then hacked my url, pointing it to a porn site (I can't make this up). Imagine a young family searching for a photographer and opening that on their screen?! I was beside myself, and scared.

On the advice of my mentor, I hesitantly called to invite the stalking photographer out for coffee, and she admitted everything.

Aside from that extra noise, what was the meaningful result? A record year, a lot of great publicity, and an amazingly loyal following. I learned VOLUMES during that time!

WE learn volumes in uncertain times, if we're willing to be real with ourselves.

Surviving and thriving during the most challenging of times is something I excel at, and I'm here to help you do the same.

This email comes with a warning label, though: If you're looking for a quick fix, a magic solution, or are more comfortable with avoiding reality, I'm afraid I can't help you.

If you're a realist who's ready to double down, to ZIG when others ZAG, and you want to grow your business, you're in the right place.

What you'll receive from me:

Actionable ways to keep your brand front-of-mind.

Real help growing into email marketing, SEO, and social media.

Easy to implement tutorials.

My inbox will always be open to you.

Whether you're a small business owner or a marketing professional, you're probably feeling a bit overwhelmed. Maybe even defeated. I'm excited to step into the boat with you.

Together, we can weather any storm. We just need to fill some gaps so we can come out stronger on the other side!

Coming Soon

  • From Overwhelm to Clarity: What To Focus On First
  • Stanley Mugs: How They Went From Discontinued to Viral
  • What Chip & Joanna Taught Me About Content Strategy

Question: Have you ever witnessed a Walmart early morning meeting?

Maybe you got up early to do some quick shopping, and saw team members come together, making a quick plan, and all of a sudden they're a hype team?

Think of me as that. Your own personal hype team. Encouragement with your business bestie by your side (without the cringe chanting, or awkward high fives)!

Here's to capturing powerful moments, and marketing them brilliantly!


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Boost Your Visibility

Grow Online Organically with Brenda Eckhardt

I help small businesses to get found online through organic visual marketing strategy, SEO, and social media marketing tips, so you can build customer loyalty for sustainable growth. Photographer turned organic digital marketing coach.

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